人類の遙かな旅路 ― 2014年06月08日
第3のテーマの勉強成果の一端が国際宗教研究所の機関紙『現代宗教2014』(電子版)に掲載されました。「宗教の起源・再考―近年の進化生物学と脳科学の成果から― 」ご笑覧いただき、さらにお教えいただければ幸いです。以下は、4月にツィートしたものをまとめました。本文下記の国際宗教研究所ウェブサイトで、他の諸論考とともにお読みいただけます。
http://www.iisr.jp/journal/journal2014/ …
4)現世人類の祖先は5万年前にたった一回アフリカを旅立った150人ほどが、地上のすべてに拡散したと考えられる(ウェイド, 2007)。我々は長い遙かな進化の果ての最後の一瞬に飛躍的に進化し、世界に繁茂し、巨大で豊かな文明を築いた、宇宙に比類のない存在なのだ。
第3のテーマの勉強成果の一端が国際宗教研究所の機関紙『現代宗教2014』(電子版)に掲載されました。「宗教の起源・再考―近年の進化生物学と脳科学の成果から― 」ご笑覧いただき、さらにお教えいただければ幸いです。以下は、4月にツィートしたものをまとめました。本文下記の国際宗教研究所ウェブサイトで、他の諸論考とともにお読みいただけます。
http://www.iisr.jp/journal/journal2014/ …
4)現世人類の祖先は5万年前にたった一回アフリカを旅立った150人ほどが、地上のすべてに拡散したと考えられる(ウェイド, 2007)。我々は長い遙かな進化の果ての最後の一瞬に飛躍的に進化し、世界に繁茂し、巨大で豊かな文明を築いた、宇宙に比類のない存在なのだ。
The Last Gentleman 1 ― 2013年05月27日
『最後のジェントルマン』(The Last Gentleman)
2004年10月9日に享年78歳で亡くなられた、オックスフォード大学教授でオールソウルズ・カレッジのフェローだったブライアン・ウィルソン(Bryan Ronald Wilson)先生との思い出を綴ろうと思う。それが、この日記である。
ウィルソン先生との最後の別れの場面から記していこう。以下は、2011年7月4日の彼の遺灰を散骨した際の記録である(facebook, 2011.8.10メモに投稿)
It has been 12 years since I visited Oxford last in 1999. It was another sad story. An aim to be there was to pay the final tribute to Dr. Bryan Wilson, who died on October 9th, 2004. But surprisingly I found in February, 2008, that Bryan’s body was finally cremated according to his own will, but that his ashes were still at the office of funeral company in Oxford without scattering in any garden of remembrance. It was normally the responsibility of the family, but Bryan’s only one sister was very old and unwell, and so it might be difficult to execute.
In May of this year when I began to make a concrete plan to attend the SISR conference at Aix en Provence in France, I again found by emails of Jim Beckford that the ashes were not yet scattered and the executer of Bryan Wilson’s will was planning to scatter in the middle of June. I decided to visit the memorial garden, or to join the scattering if it could be done on the date when we would visit after the SISR conference.
Fortunately the executor, Mr. Piller, agreed to wait for our arrival at Oxford, then on Monday, 4th July at 12:30, Bryan Wilson's ashes were scattered by Mark, who is a fellow at Exeter College at Oxford and took care of Bryan’s last years until at the moment of his death, around a young Maple tree, both side of which are a big pine tree and a cherry tree. These trees we thought Bryan loved. It is a very good point at the Oxford crematorium, where all of us finally chose, at the top of wide slope on the right hand side from the entrance of the crematorium. Bryan himself had visited this crematorium and decided to be scattered, and he did not want to leave any physical memorial such as nameplate or symbol. Therefore we just scattered his ashes around the foot of the tree.
Of course Dr. Wilson had already been resting in Peace, I believe, but I felt a load off our mind now. From now on, whenever we visit the maple tree at the Oxford Crematorium, we can remember Dr. Wilson and to pay our respect. Moreover whenever we remember the maple tree and wherever we see a maple tree in the world, we can think of Bryan.
The address of the Oxford Crematorium is as follows;
Bayswater Road, Headington, Oxford OX3 9RZ
Telephone: 01865 351010
Fax: 01865 358991
Our website for Bryan Wilson’s memory
2004年10月9日に享年78歳で亡くなられた、オックスフォード大学教授でオールソウルズ・カレッジのフェローだったブライアン・ウィルソン(Bryan Ronald Wilson)先生との思い出を綴ろうと思う。それが、この日記である。
ウィルソン先生との最後の別れの場面から記していこう。以下は、2011年7月4日の彼の遺灰を散骨した際の記録である(facebook, 2011.8.10メモに投稿)
It has been 12 years since I visited Oxford last in 1999. It was another sad story. An aim to be there was to pay the final tribute to Dr. Bryan Wilson, who died on October 9th, 2004. But surprisingly I found in February, 2008, that Bryan’s body was finally cremated according to his own will, but that his ashes were still at the office of funeral company in Oxford without scattering in any garden of remembrance. It was normally the responsibility of the family, but Bryan’s only one sister was very old and unwell, and so it might be difficult to execute.
In May of this year when I began to make a concrete plan to attend the SISR conference at Aix en Provence in France, I again found by emails of Jim Beckford that the ashes were not yet scattered and the executer of Bryan Wilson’s will was planning to scatter in the middle of June. I decided to visit the memorial garden, or to join the scattering if it could be done on the date when we would visit after the SISR conference.
Fortunately the executor, Mr. Piller, agreed to wait for our arrival at Oxford, then on Monday, 4th July at 12:30, Bryan Wilson's ashes were scattered by Mark, who is a fellow at Exeter College at Oxford and took care of Bryan’s last years until at the moment of his death, around a young Maple tree, both side of which are a big pine tree and a cherry tree. These trees we thought Bryan loved. It is a very good point at the Oxford crematorium, where all of us finally chose, at the top of wide slope on the right hand side from the entrance of the crematorium. Bryan himself had visited this crematorium and decided to be scattered, and he did not want to leave any physical memorial such as nameplate or symbol. Therefore we just scattered his ashes around the foot of the tree.
Of course Dr. Wilson had already been resting in Peace, I believe, but I felt a load off our mind now. From now on, whenever we visit the maple tree at the Oxford Crematorium, we can remember Dr. Wilson and to pay our respect. Moreover whenever we remember the maple tree and wherever we see a maple tree in the world, we can think of Bryan.
The address of the Oxford Crematorium is as follows;
Bayswater Road, Headington, Oxford OX3 9RZ
Telephone: 01865 351010
Fax: 01865 358991
Our website for Bryan Wilson’s memory
ブログ開設 ― 2013年04月28日